Why it matters: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is considered by some to be among the greatest video games always launched, and Nintendo seemingly agrees as they have ported it to every ane of their major consoles since. Now thanks to the hard work and determination of a group of programmers, it'll alive on in a new form.

The Zelda Reverse Engineering science Team (ZRET) recently matched the last-remaining office in the project. Equally the group told Video Games Chronicle, this means that all compiled code in the game has been converted into human-readable C code.

Notably, this is not a port of the game. Instead, the team recreated the entire game from scratch using modernistic coding languages. Information technology also doesn't utilize any of Nintendo'southward original copyrighted assets or leaked content, thus making information technology a legal endeavor.

ZRET is in the process of putting the finishing touches on the project, at which time the status bar over on their website will read 100 pct.

Their work will exist complete at that point, but equally we saw with the decompilation of Super Mario 64 a few years dorsum, the efforts are likely to lead to a fully functional PC port with support for mods.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time launched on the Nintendo 64 in Northward America on November 23, 1998, or a little over two years after the console's debut. It's 1 of the few games from that era that I distinctly remember pre-ordering and beingness hyped for, and information technology certainly didn't disappoint when it finally landed.

I don't know virtually you lot, but I'd love to have the game for a spin on the PC with ray tracing and high-res back up.